
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Brycen 9 months

These pics of Brooklyn are some outfits my friend Jacqui made, aren't they so cute!

I can't believe Brycen will be 9 months tomorrow. He will be one before you know it. He is crawling all over the place, he was still crawling on his belly until a few days ago. He was so fast at it, but he is now up on his hands and knees. Brooklyn was up on her hands and knees at 9.5 months, so I wasn't worried that he wasn't crawling that way yet. He is doing well, eating 3 meals a day, and in between I nurse him. I have surpassed my expectations on nursing... I was shooting for 6 months. One of the reasons being that he still wakes up between 3 and 4, and that is the easiest. We are trying to get him to sleep the whole night through, but are inconsistent. He goes down by about 6:30 and will sleep till about 3:30, eat and go back down till 6-6:30. He takes about a 45 min nap about 2 hours after he wakes up, and a 1.5 hour nap aroun 1pm. He has 2 teeth that just came through and another 2 that aare just about there. Cutting teeth at a time is no fun. He was fussy the first few days his gums were swollen, and he has been much better the last week or so. I wish they would all just come through. He is constantly pulling up on the furniture, and cruising around the room, he wants to walk so bad. He says mama all of the time, claps his hands, high fives and plays peek a boo. He loves playing with Brooklyn, he just watches and follows her all over. She is a good big sister and loves playing with him.

Brycens 9 month stats

Height: 28.75 inches : 69% Brooklyn was 29 inches at 9 months

Weight: 18lbs 13 oz: 23% Brooklyn was 18 lbs 9 oz

Head: 45.75: 73%

There are pretty similar in size even though Brycen was born 2 lbs heavier.

Brooklyn is doing well. She still LOVES preschool, she wants to go everyday. We are working on her writing, she loves tracing letters, and she can almost write her name... just needs to work on the k and y. I love working with her at home and seeing what she learns. It makes me want to teach elementary school, maybe I will transfer when she is in Kindergarten so I can work at her school.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Here are some recent pics. The one of Brooklyn in her blue dress was for her harvest party at preschool. The others are just from the last month or so. I can't believe Brycen is 8 months old. He is doing well, eating solids, he likes everything, still crawling on his stomach, and pulling himself up and climbing on everything.
Brooklyn loves preschool. She is only going 2 days a week so usually one other day at home we do school stuff. She knows all her letters and sounds, counts to 30 and we are working on sounding words out. She is such a sponge. She loves to play the letter game on the computer. It is nice because she can use the mouse by herself so I can put her on the computer while Icook dinner.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Brycen 6months: Brooklyn 3 years old


weight 17lbs4oz: 50%

length 27 inches: 75%

head 44cm: 50%

So Brycen has made some huge leaps these past 2 weeks. He is crawling on his belly all over the house, Brooklyn didn't start this until she was like 8 months. He is everywhere, he does not want to be held or contained, he just wants to be down on the floor. He has also started sleeping at night soo much better. He has always gone to sleep well but had been waking between 12 and 1, and then around 5. The doctor said to try and get rid of the 12am. I tried a few times, letting him cry for up to 45 minutes and kept giving in. Then finally one night, I made it to an hour and he was back to sleep for 4 more hours. The hour that he was crying was more like fussing thankfully because I wouldn't have been able to take it if it was worse. The next 2 nights were better, the second night he woke at 3 for a binky and then slept till 5 the third night the same. Let's hope this keeps up. He has been eating solids for about 2 weeks now as well. First, he didn't like them and would gag, now he loves them. We have been doing one meal a day, dinner and are about ready to make it 2.


weight: 31 lbs: 54%

length: 37.75in: 68%

head: 49.5 cm: 74%

Brooklyn started preschool on her birthday and loves it. She does so well when we drop her off, just says bye mom as she is off to play. At home she continues to play with her dolls, she pretends she is the mommy. She does shows for them and concerts. She also loves make believe and is often in her room with Tom pretending something or telling stories. I am really enjoying being home parttime with the kids.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

5 months, Brooklyn 35 months

First of all I can't believe Brooklyn is almost 3. It seems like she gets bigger everyday. Things she is doing now: loves playing with her "kids" her dolls, loves playing with her little dollhouse and blocks, digging in the sand (making a garden), playing school, swimming, reading, painting,dressing in her princess costumes, and anything make believe. It is so fun listening to her talk to herself. She also loves her brother and wants to hug, kiss and climb on him constantly. She took a little tumbling class and loved it. We got passes to Legoland so she really enjoys that.
She is doing really well in the pool and will swim to us without floaties, maybe 5 yards or so. She is so not afraid of the water, but is afraid of waterslides, we are trying to break that.

Brooklyn will start preschool in the fall, her first day will be on her birthday. She is ready for school, she knows all of her capital letters, and most lowercase, she knows numbers 1-10 and can almost count to 20. She can spell her name, Brycen's name, my name and Tom's name. I can't wait to see the gains she gets when she is in school.

Brycen is getting so big, he is looking like a little boy and not a baby. He is rolling over from back to belly... he seems to have forgotten how to roll belly to back. He is almost sitting up, he can sit resting on his hands for a few seconds. He loves the water, we took him in the pool and he was all smiles. He enjoys playing with his toys, putting everything in his mouth, and he LOVES his rainforest Jumperoo. He loves Brooklyn, he smiles and giggles when she talks to him. He is a really happy and easy baby. He went through a rough patch with sleeping and was up every couple of hours for the past month, but this last week has been good, and last night slept 8-4
which was nice. He still is swaddled and was getting out of it everynight but lately has been staying in it which I think has helped with his sleeping. He is taking 2 long naps and a short nap a day. He goes down perfectly once I wrap him up. He smiles at me then you can see his eyes start to roll back. He loves his swaddle. We tried some cereal with him a few weeks ago, he doesn't seem quite ready for it, his tongue still pushes it out so we will wait a few more weeks. I weighed him yesterday on our scale at home and by my calculation he is about 16lbs 9oz and probably 26in.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Brycen 4 months, Brooklyn 34 months

It is nice to be able to be home with the kids. Tom is home now for the summer and it makes it even more fun when you can spend a little individual time with each of them. I was able to take Brooklyn swimming a few days ago. She loves the water. Once I got in I took her floaties off and she could swim under the water about 10 feet. She is not afraid and will try anything. She will start preschool in the fall, she is so excited.
Brycen is 4 months now. He has been rolling over back to belly all of the time. He used to be able to roll belly to back but he seems to have forgotten how. He is always very smiley and is laughing and squealing at us. He loves to watch Brooklyn run around the house. Loves to grab at everything and put everything in his mouth. He is sleeping pretty good, wakes up once to eat and maybe two other times for his binky... bad habit I guess to give it to him, but eventually he will be able to find it himself. He still sleeps swaddled, but this will soon end as soon as he can roll in the blanket. He does such a good job falling asleep on his own, I can lay him down wide awake and he will be asleep within minutes without a peep. He is still eating every 3 hours during the day, but will go 7-8 hours at night, usually down by 8:30 and wakes around 3:30 then back down till 6. He is on a pretty good routine, wakes at 6, nap around 8:30 or 9 for an hour and a half, down again around 12:30 for 2-2 and half hours and then another hour-hour and a half around 5. The doctor said we could start some solids but I think we may wait a while, we will see though.
4 month stats:
Weight: 15lbs 9 oz ( 61% )
Height: 25.5 in ( 69%)
Head: 42.25 ( 50%)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

3 months

Here are some recent videos of Brooklyn and Brycen.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

2 month stats

Bryce had is 2 month checkup today:
He weighed in at 12 lbs 8 oz: 67%
Length: 23.5 inches 69%
Head 40 cm: 50%

Bryce is the same length as Brooklyn was at 2 months and weighs about 10 oz more. At birth Bryce was 2lbs heavier and a half inch longer.

He had his shots today and did really well, he cried for a few seconds then passed out for about an hour. He is an extremely mellow baby, only crying when he is hungry or tired. He will often just hang out on his playmat, or in his swing. For the past week or so he has been sleeping 5-6 hours at night from about 9-3 then will eat for about 15 minutes and be back asleep until about 6. Throughout the day he will eat, be awake for 1-2 hours, then sleep for about an hour. He is still eating every 2.5- 3 hours in the day, every once in awhile he pushes it to 4. Brooklyn loves being a big sister and I don't think she feels left out. she loves to get on the floor and play with him, I have to watch her because yesterday she tried to take him out of the swing to hold him.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

April 24: Bryce 2 months, Brooklyn 2 1/2

I took the kids to get their pictures taken on Saturday. Brycen is usually all smiles but we couldn't get any out of him, he was so serious. Brooklyn was good for the first half of the session, until she found the bin of toys in the back and we couldn't get her to take anymore. I can't believe Brycen is already 2 months. He is getting more alert everyday. He can hold his head up for a few minutes when he wants to. He is also rolling over from his tummy to his back. I thought it was a fluke but he did it about 6 times in a row, and has been doing it for 3 days. Brooklyn rolled over back to tummy first and not until like 5 months. Brooklyn is 2 and a half and she is sure to say 2 and a half when you ask her. She is pretty funny. She is such a good big sister and always wants to hold, hug and kiss Bryce. Brooklyn loves stickers, playing with her babies, playing school, riding her bike and talking. I think she talks all day long... two of her favorite words right now... NO and WHY? these words have become my least favorite. Bryce goes in for his 2 month check up on Tuesday, I expect him to be about 12 lbs. He was 11 lb 14 oz when we took him in last week when he had a cold. Brooklyn was 7 lb 2 oz when she was born, and 11lb 14 oz at 2 months. Bryce was 9 lb 3 oz and was 11 lb 14 oz at 7.5 weeks so we will see what he is on Tuesday. I can't believe they are about the same at 2 months old.

Monday, April 5, 2010


Here are some pictures from Easter Sunday, we had a long day, having to go to four different houses. It was alot of fun, and Brooklyn really enjoyed doing 5 Easter egg hunts over 2 days. The first 2 hunts she was in she wanted to stop and open her eggs, and she would skip over some to get a different one (she would only get like 3 eggs) but by the end of the weekend she had it down.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

5 weeks old

Here are some pics of Brycen at 1 month old. Today we had his 1 month check up (5 weeks). He is 10lbs 7 oz and 22.5 inches. He has gained a little over a pound since birth (2 lbs if you count the pound he lost), and an inch and a half. He is doing really well, only waking up twice at night, around 2 and 5. He is awake more and more throughout the day, he will lay on the floor and Brooklyn will lay with him and talk, or sing to him. She loves being a big sister and constantly wants to hold him or see him. I can't wait until he can interact with her a little more.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Brookyn playing soccer

Here is a little video of Brooklyn dribbling a soccer ball. I hope she keeps it up!

Brycen Michael

Brycen Michael arrived 2/24/2010 at 2:50pm. I was going to be induced that day, but ended up going into labor and when I went in for my induction I was 5.5 cm dialated at 11am. I received a little pitocin to regulate my contractions, got an epidural at 6.5cm, about 12pm, my water broken at 8cm about 1pm. Then around 2 they called for the doctor, I began pushing at 2:20 and had him at 2:50. The doctor was pretty impressed I didn't have to push long, as he was bigger than expected... 1-1.5 lbs bigger than expected. He weighed in at 9lbs 3 oz, over 2 lbs bigger than his sister. These past 2 weeks (taking care of both kids) have gone better than I expected. I am not too tired, and as long as I get out of the house each day I don't go crazy :) Brycen lost almost 1lb in the hospital and yesterday at his 2 week checkup he was back to 9lbs 2 oz, so close to his birth weight, and going in the right direction. Brooklyn loves her little brother.. she says he is "too cute"!

Monday, February 1, 2010

My Large Basketball

Here is a 36 week picture, I am totally all belly, but a huge belly. My stomach is so sore around my belly button area, I don't think it can stretch anymore. If it can, I don't need it to because I have enough stretch marks for now !

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Getting Closer!

So, I am 35 1/2 weeks, but who is counting? Me! I can't wait to meet the little guy. My stomach is so big, I think he could pop out anyday. I have 10 days left of work which puts me at right about 38weeks. Brooklyn was born at 381/2, so lets hope this one follows suit. It is getting so hard to move or lay down, and I am just ready to be done. Brooklyn is getting so excited too, she always asks if the baby can play. She always wants to hug and kiss my belly, it is so cute! Hopefully she will stay that excited when she isn't the center of attention anymore. I think she will be a great big sister. She loves taking care of all her babies, and she is a big help at daycare with the little ones.