
Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Mother's Day Weekend

This is kinda a late post but oh well. I had a good mother's day. We spent the weekend with family. On Sat. night, Tom's brother and mom came over and we went out on our boat. Brooklyn thought she would drive.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Ear Infection

So Brooklyn has her first ear infection. She woke up this morning and had blood coming out of her ear. I called the doctor and Tom took her in. She is on antibiotics so hopefully that will clear it up. I have to say, Brooklyn is one tough cookie, she hasn't cried once or pulled at her ear. Her fever this weekend may have been a sign of the infection... and I thought it was teeth. Still has that toothless grin!

Sunday, May 11, 2008


So here I am up at 2:30am on Sunday morning. Brooklyn has a fever... I think she is teething but who knows. She was up with a fever last night too. She has been up for an hour, I gave her Tylenol, rubbed her back, rocked her and finally put her down. She seems to be calming down now, but we will see. Wish me luck.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


So Brooklyn is now crawling... like a worm along the ground. She pulls forward with her hands then digs her toes into the ground and pushes forward. She gets up on her hands and knees easily and can go forward once then she collapses down to her belly. It is so fun to see her scoot across the floor.
She also loves standing, I have to constantly hold her hands so she can stand up, or I have to stand her against the couch or her toys so she can play. She is close to pulling herself up by herself.

Friday, May 2, 2008


Tag! You're it!
Aiden tagged me.
1. What is your husbands name? Thomas John Jesse Coleman
2.How long have you been married? 3 and 1/2 years
3. How long did you date? 2 and 1/2 years
4. Who eats more? He does
5. Who said I love you first? I actually did... kinda scary had never said it before to anyone.
6. Who sings better? Well neither of us are any good, but I am probably better.
7. Who is taller? He is.
8. Whose temper is worse? His is.
9. Who does the laundry? We both do. I do my own, and he does the rest.
10. Who does the dishes? We both do. He does them more though.
11. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I am on the right side of the bed now. (but I am always confused with this question, I am on the left if you are facing the bed, but the right when you are laying down.)
12. Who does the cooking? I do, Tom isn't really a cook, he burnt an entire loaf of bread trying to make grilled cheese.
13. Who is more stubborn? He is, I hate fighting. I always give in.
14. Who proposed? He did, Christmas morning.
15. Who is most likely to admit that they are wrong? I am.
16. Who's parents do you see the most? Both probably the same they both live close
.17. Who pays the bills? Well, if you mean who makes the money, we both do. I perform the actual act of paying the bills.
18. Who wears the pants? I would say this is pretty even
19. Why do you love your husband? To many reasons to be listed here, but a few: He makes me laugh, he is a great dad, he is a very loving and caring person.
20. Who are four other people you are going to tag? Let's see....Bryndie, Jacqui, Katie and Shannon