
Thursday, April 28, 2011


We had a fun Easter. The kids enjoyed the Easter Egg hunts, Brooklyn was all about the eggs. Last year she would get one and then stop and look inside and then keep going.. she only got like 2 eggs. This year she sprinted to everyone, I even had to have her throw some back for the others. Brycen did well too, he just liked holding and shaking them. Brycen turned 14months on Easter. He is nonstop all day. He climbs and runs and throws things and hits things you name it he is into it. He is so fun though and I like being home. He is in the middle of dropping his morning nap which is good and bad. He will take a 2 hour one in the afternoon, and go down for the night around 630pm-600am. He goes to sleep so well, and the only problems we run into with the kids sharing a room is if Brooklyn wakes him when she is going to bed. Bryce still says mama, and dada, it sounds like da, for everything he wants. He signs eat and more on occasion. He pretty much just points or grunts for what he wants. He knows bellybutton, toes, and eyes. He loves looking for other people's belly buttons. He loves being outside, whenever anyone goes out he stands at the door and crys because he wants out too. If I ask him if he wants to go outside he goes and sits by the door to put his shoes on. Brooklyn is doing well, still loves reading, coloring, dressing like a princess and playing with her babies. She is writing all of her letters by herself, and is getting much better at coloring in the lines. Her fine motor skills are really improving. she won a coloring contest at the grocery store for Easter, she won a soccerball and some candy in an easter basket. She was so excited.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Jen and Jac Designs

Here are some recent shirts/dresses from Jacqui. I can't wait for the others to arrive!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

1 year old

Wow! Where did the year go?

Weight 22lbs 6.7 oz about 45 %

Height 29.8 inches about 40%

Head 18.8inches

I can't believe this year is over. Brycen has grown so fast. We did his party a few weeks ago, he loved his cake. He has been walking for a little over a month now and is sooo fast and nonstop. He just runs back and forth through the house the entire day. He doesn't want to he held or strapped down. He is a happy kid. He is finally sleeping 12 hours a night and he and Brooklyn are doing so well together in the same room. He goes down about 6:15 and her at around 7:15. Every now and then she will wake him us when we are putting her down but he goes right back to sleep. They both are up at about the same time 6:15 or so in the morning. We got rid of all Brycen's bottles and he has been doing really well with a cup, the binky willl be next to go, but probably not for a while :) He says mama, dada, ands sometimes Thank you. For anything else he just says ma ma ma which could me more, or milk. He just screams it until he gets one of those. He loves playing peekabo/hide and seek, he will just laugh as soon as he sees you.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

11 1/2 months

Brycen has been taking steps for about a week now, these last few days he has really gotten good.