Bryce had is 2 month checkup today:
He weighed in at 12 lbs 8 oz: 67%
Length: 23.5 inches 69%
Head 40 cm: 50%
Bryce is the same length as Brooklyn was at 2 months and weighs about 10 oz more. At birth Bryce was 2lbs heavier and a half inch longer.
He had his shots today and did really well, he cried for a few seconds then passed out for about an hour. He is an extremely mellow baby, only crying when he is hungry or tired. He will often just hang out on his playmat, or in his swing. For the past week or so he has been sleeping 5-6 hours at night from about 9-3 then will eat for about 15 minutes and be back asleep until about 6. Throughout the day he will eat, be awake for 1-2 hours, then sleep for about an hour. He is still eating every 2.5- 3 hours in the day, every once in awhile he pushes it to 4. Brooklyn loves being a big sister and I don't think she feels left out. she loves to get on the floor and play with him, I have to watch her because yesterday she tried to take him out of the swing to hold him.
Team Travis Dinner - Giving back
5 years ago